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What Are The “Hijri Months”?

Which month does the Hijri calendar start with? 12.7.2010 23:35


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obligatory sacrifice and ıslam basics of Islam mahram causing a bad deed creation of universe similarity between jinn and human fatimi reckoning compensate missed witr verified faith shaban month uninformed people ask a foreteller for help vow maltreatmant toward parents morals follow makkah for iftar death time wajib menstruation magic in ıslam evidences of hajj being obligatory importance of unity ikhtiyari qadar miswak last ten days of ramadan jihad ibad-i musabbih adults playing dolls family ties sexual intercourse muhammad in bible compound physics will of allah feet importance of praying at night home sakat al fitr to wife ramadan hilal tawbatun nasuh to break fast intentionally slaughtering turkey pregnanct lying to amuse people how to overcome sexual desire zayd Shuaib one qurbani per person proofs of Isa returning lost goods repentance joking in Islam close eyes during salah fiqh to break ramadan fast a few times maun bleeding caused by IUD test omnipotence zakat conditions israfel british museum imagination willful misinterpretation fetus does dua change fate pay zakat to masjid one qurbani for the household bible spouse kiraman katibin Corselle sun creation disobedience against parents games of chance theory of evolution Maryam in Quran afterlife Islam and racisim order of the ayahs woman relation by marriage christmas night history i’tikaf earth dress code for praying marital activity invalidating fast lie as a joke zakat to Islamic organizations past eternal 21.verse of Surah al Najm yazid covering wet dream during fast when miraj happened

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