Articles tagged as " disorder "

Totally 2 articles have been tagged as " disorder "

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Why does Allah (swt) not Prevent the Disasters and the Catastrophes But Allows Them?

How does Allah allow the afflictions if He is so merciful? why doesn't He prevent them? 2.25.2012 12:40

Mercy and Wisdoms Behind the Disasters and the Calamities

Why does Allah(swt) not prevent the disasters and the catastrophes but allows them? 3.13.2011 00:21


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sun animal toys civilization join prayers rights of parents sadaqa and fate spend on relatives delaying zakat dua ayahs pray safari prophet jesus (pbuh) laylat ul qadr feel Allah all the time marriage umrah Dr. Johnson Khaybar allah(swt) compulsory to seek knowledge friday of ramadan prayers of one who drinks alcohol angels in the ayahs jesus 21.verse of Surah al Najm using perfume on friday tarawih is sunnah revealed books break the fast zakat for trading goods period-delaying pray for forgiveness types of iman youth defeatist chores of the prophet marriage with nonmuslims types of backbiting private parts sunnahs of jumuah creed proof of shafaah makkah abrogation to change name pillars of sawm according to four madhabs planet abondening sunnah fish arafa day proof of intercession miracle of quran similarity between jinn and human traveller rabial akhir namaz women's covering Islamic belief in prophets ısra dua and fate bath salaam zakat ayah wisdom bathroom irresponsible parents day of judgment good morals close eyes during salah chastening of nafs compound sharani dua for waswasa young muslims purpose of mankind bad omen in safar pharaoh qadar dogs pleasure and entertainment prayers of previous ummahs eid prayer hisab zakat for committed money belief in destiny zakat and debt miracles of muhammad sinner salah on a chair girlfriend in Islam osman al hiri to endure the difficulties of long fasting one qurbani on behalf of the household nationalism attributes rows of a congregational prayer importance of salam tawaf compensate missed witr

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