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What is the Difference Between Nabi and Rasul?

Is there any distinction between Nabi and Rasul? If so, what is it? 7.23.2010 19:10


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types of nationalism after death magic isra abraham family ties yusuf nonmuslim men not talking for three days haj visit graveyard basics of Islam Dr. Johnson celebration human world yunus evidences of reincarnation in Quran youngster tafseer of Surah al Najm greeting intervening stage end of the world true love answer weighing the deeds grave importance of sending blessings mustahabb ıslam-women voice celebrating the new year pray at grave our beloved prophet did his chores by himself severing family ties belief in prophets sleeping sunnah supplications in the quran ihsan isa believe in unseen allah khadijah foreteller benefits of belief in qadar Loqman dawn jahannam chapter bukhl niyyah for ramadan fasting praying in the graveyard khalifah meet Muhammad in jannah cleaning cream before salah breastfeeding test fatrat trait when to make niyyah for fast tawafuq listening to adhan injustice fasting during breastfeeding mina celebrate the eid insulin injection destiny medication on open wound during fast testamentary ask the deceased for help responsibilites of parents tatol ablution cross things breaking fast throne of allah declaration of belief rhetoric kiraman katibin angels have no gender things invalidating fast wing meaning of ilah hira reference to muhammad in bible zakat to foundations kalaamullah make up witr prayer wise virtues of jumuah trumpet superiority of shaban types of angels period-delaying white lies dua of visiting the graveyard ısa zakat for masjid building reading Surah al Kahf on friday inheritance of an unmarried lady arkan al islam wife

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