Articles tagged as " dressing code "

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İs it Halal for Muslim Women to Wear Jeans?

Is it halal or haram to wear jeans? Does it say in the Quran anywhere or in a hadith? Jazakallah 7.5.2011 16:58

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mother giving blood niyyah in madhabs plight of widows in Islam ill person's fasting 6666 symbol irresponsible parents mawlid worship of sacrifice hafaza pillars of ıslam example demon veil medical aspect of fasting disobedience to parents birth of Jesus in Quran unseen splitting the moon cover elderly parents IUD meaning of salam morals reading Surah al Kahf on friday reflect upon month of shaban woman zakat on fixed deposit ghusl while fasting houri divorce slaughter deny fasting dua and destiny people exempted from fasting sajdah just patience results of hijra divine determining water runs from his fingers zakat al fitr to parents medication on open wound during fast istihada or hayd shahadah ask for forgiveness allah iman-i tahqiqi pure heart Jesus will come back to complete and straighten the rows in sunnah mikaa'eel martyrdom silver ring people of salvation sharia creation Goethe boy girl relations in Islam youngster day of judgement saw Allah suicide sincerity bosnia celebrating the mawlid invitation of a nonmuslim affliction close eyes during salah shafi akhirah ıslam eavesdrop adornment belief in qadar importance of praying at night injustice nahr black generosity srebrenica genocide divine knowledge right side of row hair beloved ones zakat to non-muslims leaving the masjid during itikaf Edward Gibbon toilet manners muhammad's religion before ıslam muslim scientists journey tahqiqi iman similarity between jinn and human recitation ayat al kursi night journey make up witr prayer

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