Articles tagged as " dua and destiny "

Totally 3 articles have been tagged as " dua and destiny "

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Is Destiny Fixed?

Is destiny (qadar) already pre-determined? If yes, can’t we change our future mistakes with our acts, precautions or prayers (dua)? Is destiny fixed? 12.25.2012 20:25

Is it possible to change destiny?

Is destiny (qadar) already pre-determined? If yes, can’t we change our future mistakes with our acts, cautions or prayers (dua)? Is destiny fixed? 12.27.2012 08:54

Why does God want me to pray if life is predetermined?

WE believe that everything is predetermined in destiny. We pray and it comes true if it is predetermined in our destiny. If it is not, our prayer is not accepted.  That is to say, dua changes nothing in our destiny. Then, why do we pray?   12.25.2012 14:46


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