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Where Do Angels Live?

Where is the home of the angels? Do they live only in the heaven? 10.27.2009 16:42


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community respect marital relations jannah wine zakat of debtor unseen pillars of faith prayers of one who drinks alcohol abandoning sin to pray for polytheist british museum zakat conditions liwa al hamd medinan chapters qibla azraeel Quran and thinkers day of judgement wive's property in Islam female witness in Islam rasul love mother plight of widows in Islam people exempted from fasting dejavu arabic blessed nights aramaic period of itikaf i’tikaf qamah shortest period of itikaf break the fast why to turn to kaaba during salah seven truth of tawhid do muslims turn to god during salah mina hands above the navel in salah dhulhijja Ismail prophethood duty marriage with nonmuslims trinity disobedience to parents to endure the difficulties of long fasting creation doomed to destiny mani during fast isa deeds development just arkan al islam muslimwomen one qurbani for the household guide imagination Muaz Bin Jabal celebrating the mawlid giving blood ghilman problems of balkan muslims soul zakah faith of an infidel human theory of evolution cutting nails during menstruation lipstick during fast istihada or hayd stop talking for three days commander carriers botox bida-i hasana four wives imperfect worship spouse worship in shaban information mizan sadaqa and destiny colour of fire fasting in old ages islamic inheritence law isra cleaning teeth while fasting sunnahs of eid scriptures testfying of souls eat halal doubt human being what is sexual intercourse magic in ıslam controversy ruyatullah relations with people of book obesity effects of envy

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