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waswas ask the deceased for help reflection ties of kinship mercy four great angels halal hadith purpose of dress fasting and obesity science in islam tafseer of Surah al Najm pillars of fast glorify ignorant iman-i taqlidi staff turning into sword son of god pardon madhabs expiation of masturbation while fasting zakah evidence of allah guilty three months face feel a presence behind me omnipotent elder missed witr in maliki school marriage with nonmuslims entitled to receive zakat predestination pregnanct lust extra surah assalamu alaikum engagement in Islam liwa al hamd damage ka'ba ramad brother lailat al baraat hadiths about najran intention for ramadan teacher fasting during journey price of a kiss eating dates disobey parents in haram mina haram (forbidden things) sexual problem magic in ıslam testifying minor sin fast broken divine religions to break ramadan fast a few times jewish shawwal or qada prayer with trousers what to do in ramadan pray for forgiveness mizan free-will fasting only ashura period-delaying period of iddah cream during fasting fasting in shawwal destiny rahmah rule biology barysphere women in Judaism telling lies declaration of belief place yusuf congregational prayer godless praise brilliance(lightness) ihram razzaq salaam heaven one qurbani per person hadiths about the date of miraj haram Marmaduke acceptance of imperfect worship prayers of previous ummahs evidences of reincarnation in Quran ask for forgiveness of people before hajj gods form ghusl while fasting

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