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meccan chapters ejaculation during fast Thomas Carlyle sharia ramad solutions for waswas miracles of Jesus break the fast mercy to change name dress with image miser importance of salah date Loqman deposit sunni salah on a chair etiquette letter questioning angels ask the deceased for intercession sawm qiyamah warner unbeliver enemy what is sexual intercourse relationship through phone fiqh partner do muslims turn to god during salah method recite into ear presence of allah people in jannah animal treatment in ıslam plight of widows in Islam dua Muaz Bin Jabal deduct debt from zakat amount Dr. Johnson to pray for nonbeliever wet dream while fasting relationship mahram laylat-ul qadr a'ad allah has no beginning how to make sincere repentance youth liwa al hamd duas for waswasa womb befriending nonmuslims vaccination during fast women in Judaism ıshmael transmigration bad omen in safar giving blood shuhh virtues of jummah eternity lipstick during fast conditions of hajj pill ısa intention for ramadan fasting zakat on fixed deposit suffering miscarrige God watches us najran compulsory prayers zakah stinginess in islam hand substantial creat importance of istighfar ahad holy day zakat for merchandise prophets awliya periclytos haircut model mukarrab malaika of arsh being in an environment where there is backbiting shafi people of salvation answer to prayer heritage ask for forgiveness of people before hajj inheritance of an unmarried lady straightening the rows hafsa to keep chastity returning rights to the owners

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