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alim ali night prayer in ramadan silver ring relationship reincarnation tasawwuf see allah iman-i tahqiqi rasul mecca ayahs about reatives shuhh kinship nafila see everlasting two consecutive months rows of a congregational prayer medical aspect of fasting scholars muslims and racism religion son of god eid-ul adha celebrating mawlid an-nabi dry ablution holy book maintaining the ties of kinship testifying parents of muhammad zakat to nonmuslims existence get married menses rights of parents proper time for qada of witr rabial awwal conscious bible and muhammad angel shirk lotion during fast fortuneteller magic spotting caused by IUD Orientalist Sedio asma al'husna adab of prayer zakat to non muslims istighfar why to turn to kaaba during salah refute reancarnation tahqiqi iman tawrat servitude food multiplication miracle photo month of ramadan tawba 60 bath on friday najran christians pregnanct rhetoric periclytos results of hijra importance of straightening the rows dead-born-baby fard al-kifaya zakat for trading goods husayn disaster merciful sadaqa and destiny eid conditions of quitting ramadan fast worship on baraat iblis dua is essence of worship reflect upon polygamy conditions special to woman close eyes during salah hadrat dress code for praying end of the world isa six days fasting lailat al miraj ı am ı fard salah saw Allah laws great sins expiation of masturbation during fast bani israel sunnahs of jummah colour of fire intention for ramadan fasting four caliphs

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