Articles tagged as " education "

Totally 2 articles have been tagged as " education "

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Can a Man Forbid His Wife Taking Education and Make Her Leave the School?

What should a woman do if her husband forbids her education? 6.4.2011 00:41

Why Was Prophet Muhammad Sent As the Last Prophet?

Why was the Prophet Muhammad sent as the last prophet but not the first one? 1.18.2013 16:33


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creature medicine during fast justice and reancarnation ask the deceased for help presence of god zakah stone the devil fard salah recite quran at grave hairless pharaoh geology home missed witr in maliki salah is the pillar of islam srebrenica massacre levels belief in destiny literature | relation during engagement mistake photo date grave umar month refute reancarnation abraham saw Allah telling lies qadar in hadiths meaning of ilah acceptance of dua rhetorical haram psalms ansar wife of paradise wine women in ancient Arabia fasting three days before ramadan significance of fasting language of the prophets sadaqat al fitr meaning of sacrifice ill son of god fast of ramadan obey parents angel of death lying omar(ra) informing future treasure reward of sending blessings balkan muslims funeral nifas and hayd during fast lost goods madhmadha while fasting age of people of jannah fasting six days of shawwal does destiny change status of Jesus in Islam women voice in ıslam qıyamah man zakat of debtor leaving the masjid during itikaf community lawh al mahw wa ithbat reflect upon disrespect to parents dwellers of grave fard parts of salah reward of tarawih chapter zakat and solidarity womb kaffara interregnum rajab women in Islam i'jaz dawud jama takheer perform prayer in unison with congregation muhammad in bible history of fiqh zakat to nonmuslims to break fast intentionally flirt during engagement uthman fasting of a pregnant woman hijri new year evidences of god punishment maltreatment to parents intention for i’tikaf why is quran arabic Islamic ruling on alcohol

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