Articles tagged as " education "

Totally 2 articles have been tagged as " education "

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Can a Man Forbid His Wife Taking Education and Make Her Leave the School?

What should a woman do if her husband forbids her education? 6.4.2011 00:41

Why Was Prophet Muhammad Sent As the Last Prophet?

Why was the Prophet Muhammad sent as the last prophet but not the first one? 1.18.2013 16:33


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dawud reincarnation in Quran allah(swt) recitation abraham name surah after fatiha iron ring sawm compound ibad-i musabbih death time muharramat hadith about repentance close eyes during salah animal reward for praying niyyah for ramadan fasting kaffarah faith of an infidel avail christmas night muslim jund-u subhani dhulkarnayn form of Allah make up during fast Muslim world thawab dolls ramadan fast wage of the butcher ayahs about reatives educational methods of Muhammad sufism questioning angels khutba sunnah al muakkada following the prophet wudu while fasting waswasa niyet sadaqa in ramadan dua for guidance human world returning rights to the owners obedience ramadan karem duties of the prophets prostration of thankfulness attributes jibreel holy days prayer with trousers dua is essence of worship best time for wedding revolution worship on baraat nonmuslim men hadiths about worshipping on lailat al miraj pillars of fast speak during khutba give alms sin-evil stolen goods listening to Quran while working dhikr dry ablution kind zakat for reserved gold tarawih is sunnah non-changeable destiny stories in the quran bridge cruelty damage pillars of sawm dua for waswasa angels in the ayahs fasting ramadan periclytos mahshar revealed books bediuzzaman salvation what is sexual intercourse caliphs benefits of belief in qadar Marmaduke father virtue of fasting muharram zakat to organizations iblis obliged to hajj tasawwuf zakaat sermon laylatul baraat prayer of an alcohol drinker why is quran arabic

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