Articles tagged as " eid "

Totally 8 articles have been tagged as " eid "

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What Are the Sunnahs of Eid?

Which sunnahs should we practice on eid day? 4.21.2011 17:11

What Are the Sunnahs of Eid?

Which sunnahs should we practice on eid day? 3.11.2011 23:12

I Couldn't Stay at Mina After 10 Dhulhijjah, Is my Hajj Authentic?

Assalamu Alaikum wr wb Sir I performed hajj in 2009 but I could not throw pebbles on 11th and 12th Zill Hajj and returned back to home at 10 Zilhajj Night I throwed 21 pebbles only on Big Devil not others then I came to Haram after sacrifice and Tawaf I went to home I want to know is my Hajj valid? Because I missed 2 small Devils and not stayed in Mina after 10 Zilhajj. 4.28.2010 07:51

How Did Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) Pass the Eids?

What did Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) do on eid days? How was he spending those days? 11.27.2009 15:02

How should we spend the eid days?

What should we do to spend the eid days in the best way and celebrate it properly? 8.27.2011 18:40

What Is Religious Festival?

What are the festivals in Islam? What does religious festival "eid" mean? 11.25.2009 00:51

What Does Eid Mean?

What is the word "Eid literally mean?" 11.25.2009 00:26

The Virtue and Significance of Arafa day (The Eve of Eid)

What is the virtues and the significance of Arafa day (The Eve of Eid) 11.25.2009 00:23


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