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Why Does God Not Show Himself In This World?

Why does God (Allah) hide Himself? Why cannot we see Allah? 12.21.2009 12:32

Why Does God Hide Himself?

Why does Allah keep Himself hidden? 12.22.2009 08:08


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reaction to backbiting agent angels invention feel a presence behind me fundamental beliefs in Islam liwa-ul hamd difference between angels and people iftaar sun good morals zakat is fitr commit sin obliged to hajj sin fasting of a pregnant woman school of thought waswasa after salah worships of hajj to find lost goods paradise Dr. City Youngest performing salah sitting tashrik takbir nonmuslim men keeping dogs at home jahannam zakat to non muslims dress hadith disrespect to parents unbeliver gabriel animals books obeying the orders of allah hadith about name cream with alcohol distort patient age in jannah niyyah for i’tikaf abandoning sin real generosity cleaning memorizer zakat to nonmuslims zakat for merchandise to keep chastity star prophet jesus (pbuh) reward for praying mazi during fast heaven ihram commit suicide dogs bath on friday crescent wish for death mercy of allah namaz being in an environment where there is backbiting nabiyah istinshaq night prayer in ramadan lotion during fast deceased benefits of fasting verses parent break promise killing animals stop talking for three days importance of hajj mina divine knowledge azazil missed witr in maliki spotting caused by IUD paraklytos qasas-ul anbiya miswak sunnah al muakkada lailat al baraat god women shirk azraeel medication on open wound during fast superiority of shaban maintaining the ties of kinship anger punishment qıyamah dark fasting during breastfeeding zamm-i surah repetition of improper ibadah four caliphs breaking the fast modern science

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