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proofs of Isa returning verses virtues of jummah marriage with nonmuslims omnipotent adab of prayer worship during itikaf mandub hadrat hadrat ali ramadan fast books revealed books recommended acts of worship in ramadan azazil baraat popular Muslim names Shuaib tawrat days when it is forbidden to fast Quran and western thinkers vow disobedience to parents birthday od the prophet muharram closing eyes distort khorasan son of god returning rights to the owners muslimwomen dua of visiting the graveyard medicine during fast ayahs about parents you are you the day before eid fragrance of jannah marital activity invalidating fast creations hadith about magic zakat for land tenet seek laylat al qadr inheritence eternal love pillars of faith magic in ıslam smokeless fire chemistry bosnia foreteller why to learn islam zakat for plot how to make tawba nasuh botox marital relations oblige Prophet changed bad names set off a slave disobey wet dream Jesus will come back language of the prophets when miraj happened wife and mother eid prayer age for hajj hell prophets god and nafs foreplay during fast meaning of fiqh alqamah dua changes fate angel and people people in jannah good deeds niyet mothers in Islam husband desires in jannah abrogation mercy oneness of god confidant with nonmuslims dry ablution five daily prayers ask for pardon difference between quran and sunnah dua ayahs ruling on tarawih mukarrab malaika of arsh dress code for praying greece sister convey reward to deceased sharani snow rain while fasting monogamy itiqaf

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