Articles tagged as " fasting ramadan "

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Medical Interpretation of Fasting

Fasting is the Quranic cure for material and spiritual obesity... 7.16.2012 08:51


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gain thawab the old serbia history of fiqh wakil repent a'ad arsh Khaybar heart say salam after death veil predetermination to break ramadan fast a few times coherence importance of straightening the rows rape zakat for reserved gold ınjil science hadiths about najran qurbani food multiplication prayers of one who drinks alcohol existence of god Loqman accomplish knowledge providing the Muslim unity soul substantial bridge salaam istighfar solar year surah women voice in ıslam ablution while fasting dwellers of grave asma al’husna qiraat kiram al katibin hadrat solomon itiqaf character photo deed commerce staff turning into sword importance of name difference between quran and sunnah maliki meccan chapters reward for fasting ashura pay zakat to masjid glorification visiting graveyard night of ragaib dua is essence of worship rabial akhir harmony to apply cream during fast respect for parents royal we leaving the masjid during itikaf books nisab how to overcome envy sending blessings on prophet eid salah prominent mahshar ghilman when to start fasting six days of shawwal kaffarah for repeated masturbation feeding poor infidel conscience udhiyya language of the prophets things that break fast haircut wet dream during fast evidences of reincarnation in Quran laylat al qadr islamic greeting aramaic bad deeds asma al-husna khutbah crack of dawn reward for hajj when miraj happened perform prayer in unison with congregation islamic calendar remembrance fall in love in ıslam safar blessing

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