Articles tagged as " feast "

Totally 2 articles have been tagged as " feast "

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How should we spend the eid days?

What should we do to spend the eid days in the best way and celebrate it properly? 8.27.2011 18:40

What Does Eid Mean?

What is the word "Eid literally mean?" 11.25.2009 00:26


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women clothing in islam praying asr on time girlfriend in Islam things that break fast saw Allah hamd niyyah for ramadan fasting reason of miraj types of angels Prof. Gerald C. Goeringer kitaabullah magician in islam ilm value of ramadan boy girl relations in Islam sadaqa and destiny madhmadha great sins conscience woman clothing islamic perpective on lying benefits of belief in qadar ajb al-zanab black dress interregnum fasting girl sexual intercourse women in Torah miswak while fasting oneness of allah after death hadiths about worshipping on lailat al miraj surahs moisturiser during fast closing eyes missed witr in maliki qibla white lies omar fasting in shawwal how long to stay in itikaf musailama-ı kazzab fatrat benefits of fasting british museum importance of Muslim unity excellence see kaba hadith about 5 daily prayers tarweeha : provision of fast hadrat solomon khorasan water multiplication miracle Islamic world being in an environment where there is backbiting ıslam Maryam in Quran divine religions weight of soul solutions for masturbation language maltreatmant toward parents ghaybah shia salah on a chair questioning angels celebrate the eid Loqman women in Christianity see angel children of paradise islam malaika glorification operation eight shahadah divine determining ayahs about lying voice omnipotent charity makrooh presence of god the best ramadan devil master of months missed witr prayer martyr pious combination of salahs ummu subyan who to give zakat al fitr madina red sea menstruating women visiting graveyards salaam eavesdrop barysphere

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