Articles tagged as " feast of sacrifice "

Totally 8 articles have been tagged as " feast of sacrifice "

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What Are the Sunnahs of the Feast of Sacrifice?

4.20.2011 17:09

The Importance and Virtue of the First Ten Days of Dhulhijja

Allah (swt) swears an oath on the ten days of Dhulhijjah. Besides, Our Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) states that: "Before Allah, worships performed on the first ten days of Dhulhijja are superior to the good deeds done in other months." 11.13.2010 09:58

What Does Sacrifice Mean in Islam?

What does qurban mean literally? 12.28.2009 15:07

What Are the Sunnahs of the Feast of Sacrifice?

What is regarded as sunnah and ibadah in the days of Sacrifice Feast? 11.6.2010 17:09

What Are the “Months For Hajj”?

What is the time for hajj? 11.2.2010 20:35

Virtues of Sacrificing an Animal

What are the virtues of sacrificing an animal? 11.6.2010 16:57

What Are the Social Aspects of the Muslim Feast of Sacrifice?

What are the social benefits of the feast of sacrifice? What are the benefits of Muslim feast of sacrifice to community life? 11.7.2010 11:47

What Is Tashrik Takbir? When Does It Start?

What is tashrik takbir? When should I start to say it? 11.9.2010 23:56


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