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fast during hardship dead can hear hikmah breaking fast Pickthall acceptance of dua menstruation hurry for hajj angel of death wife of paradise spirit crucifiction miswak whispers of shaitan blessed nights give alms pharaoh royal we dajjal mina shirk puberty chronic bleeding or menses amala-i mumassil gabriel ibadah wali does bath break fast lost of sexual desire meat of the qurban progress baby respect for parents mind intermediate state aramaic zakat to a non muslim unintentionally salutation 61 days shii barnabas islamic greeting addictive black dress the holy day of Muslims jummah assalamu alaikum adab of prayer wage of the butcher guilty process of fiqh hairdresser abandoning haram tahqiqi iman kosovo women wearing jeans female witness in Islam alcoholic beverage ask for forgiveness of people before hajj elder parent halal hadith injection during fast cure for masturbation school of thought fishkeeping language of divine books truthfulness hour asma al'husna applying cream and wudu women imitating men social aspects of hajj neccesity of Islamic unity placing foot to break fast intentionally magician in islam najasa couples in the hereafter to endure the difficulties of long fasting omar lying for joking moses eternity parents in jannah eve of eid disbeliever to pray for polytheist six days fasting reaction to backbiting twahab for umra in ramadan history salah is the pillar of islam chastening of nafs slaughtering turkey praying in the graveyard waswas uthman miracles of muhammad last ten days of ramadan night prayer in ramadan

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