Articles tagged as " god "

Totally 16 articles have been tagged as " god "

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What are the proofs of existence and oneness of Allah (swt)? 2.12.2012 11:15

What does "ilah" mean?

What is the meaning of the Arabic word "ilah"? 11.1.2011 10:14

What is Marifatullah?

Could you give information about “marifatullah”? 5.18.2011 20:37

What is the Purpose of Creation of Humankind?

Sunnah and Ihsan-1 5.19.2011 15:11

The Criticisim of Atheism

4.23.2011 17:40

What Are The Evidences of The Existence And Oneness of God?

What are the evidences that prove the existence and oneness of Allah (swt)? 4.7.2011 23:50

About Trinity

Some people explain the concept of trinity with an example. They say that the sun in the sky is the father. The rays from the sun are the son and the warmth of the rays is the Holy Spirit. I know that this example contradicts the oneness of God. Could you explain how?  12.29.2010 19:59

If There is God, why Does He Let Babies Suffer?

If there is God, why can some kids be without parents? They have no sin; but they're having hard lives...If there is God, why does He permit something like that? 11.3.2010 11:41

Where is God?

Where is Allah (swt)? 8.20.2010 14:27

If God Created Us, Then Who Created God?

How come Allah is eternal? If Allah created us, then who created Allah? 5.7.2011 01:09

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