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boy girl relations in Islam apparent nothingness karbala wali sajda parent zakat for the lent money risalei nur brilliance(lightness) types of nationalism woman night journey drinking ghusl on jummah wife of paradise covenant maqaam alcohol guilty appoint combination of salahs prerequisites of prayer prophets’ supplications prophet jesus (pbuh) rahmah people in jannah permissible zakat ayah hadrat fasting during long days tahlil meat of the qurban hadith of gabriel qadar in ayahs zakat to Islamic organizations fasting and obesity avail purpose of mankind literature tahqiqi iman beloved ones community ruling on keeping Quran in the bedroom ruling on listening to Quran image the day of arafa barzakh where to place hands in salah treatise worships of hajj qur’an one qurbani on behalf of the household why to turn to kaaba during salah proof ı am ı female witness in Islam returning rights to the owners sinner disobedience to parents benefits of hajj laylat-ul qadr responsility importance of istighfar islamic calendar trinity forgiveness of an infidel toilet love of allah paraclytos feast zakat of plot benefits of belief in qadar medication importance of praying at night qunut duas death home sunnahs of jumuah acceptance of imperfect worship Dr. City Youngest education in Islam problems of balkan muslims letter a hundred stop talking for three days science and islam contradiction disorder pure heart ghaybah fasting girl raped mikael fatiha month of shaban vaccination during fast inheritance of an unmarried lady i'jaz gibril straightening the rows wet dream

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