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Is It Permissible to Give Blood?

Is it permissible to give blood? Is blood like the other organs of the body? 5.4.2010 21:13


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patience mukarrab malaika of arsh month of ummah creed creation of universe sun do iftar according to makkah dolls the day before eid eating woman clothing age of people of jannah iblis ghusl while fasting unbeliever obliged to hajj ayahs about lying eating the food of nonmuslims five pillars of islam evidence of god love dress code for praying proofs of .Jesus returning night journey sin shuhuru thalatha beautiful names of allah befriending nonmuslims Johon Jacobreisi menses realm of souls alignment of the heels to straighten the row feel a presence behind me physical body of god fasting of a pregnant woman social life reference to muhammad in bible haram sultan selim jurisprudence brilliance(lightness) new year's eve hand anger female inheritance in Islam combination of salahs lipstick during fast time zone ask for pardon white lies see masturbation during fast prove the existence of god nawafile fast death is a part of life a'ad dress code itikaf Jesus in Quran how to spend the ramadan in the best way spirit Rodwell stories in the quran proof of god ring couples in the hereafter operation wording miracles of Jesus method fortuneteller absolute nothingness fragrance of jannah naeem hadiths about worshipping on lailat al miraj hair chores of the prophet tawafuq hijrah throw pebbles ısa how miraj happened importance of ashura ramadan-ul mubarak junub hurmat-i musahara hereafter jinns entity deeds worship on baraat glorification shahadah innovation price of a kiss knowledge hadith fasting three days before ramadan najran christians godless test

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