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abraham qadar in ayahs holy day Quran and philosophers creation zakat is fitr night journey to complete and straighten the rows in sunnah memorizer allah(swt) responsible servitude the holy day of Muslims jummah resurrection lailat ul baraat lustful thoughts during fast shia importance of praying at dawn good jinn feel in the presence of Allah islamic inheritance law Dr. Maurice Bucaille makruhs in toilet five daily prayers justice and reancarnation Islamic unity bridge month of shawwal son meaning of sacrifice hamala-i mumtasil names of allah(swt) hafsa Dr. City Youngest madhmadha disorder qadar sufism jihad in Islam 6666 fast of ramadan alms calamity alcoholic drinks fasting ramadan using perfume on friday fard salat disaster haj is shafaah right our beloved prophet did his chores by himself dead can hear malak qada prayer halal zakat to friend ızdirari qadar solutions for masturbation closing eyes muslim woman voice severing family ties asr hadith Isa will come back reincarnation najran uninformed people long-term debt and zakat flirt during engagement dhimmi faith of an infidel offer iftar punishment maltreatment to parents to pray for nonbeliever bosnia eating the food of nonmuslims ramadan fast fasting 9th of muharram marriage in shaban ruling on keeping Quran in the bedroom appoint oblige importance of fasting muharram importance of name ascension blessed nights omnipotent days when it is forbidden to fast splitting the moon cat ejaculation due to thoughts during fast racism mother humans atheism intention for ramadan fasting Thomas Carlyle ramadan hilal the existence of god worship on baraat

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