Articles tagged as " holy book "

Totally 2 articles have been tagged as " holy book "

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Has Quran Been Distorted?

Is not it possible that Quran has been distorted like the other revealed books? 8.12.2009 23:04

Has the Quran Been Distorted?

Is not it possible that the Quran has been distorted like the other revealed books? 7.7.2009 02:40


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wet dream during fast prove the existence of god thawab of tarawih medication visiting graveyard bridge age of fard prayer ramad order of the ayahs scriptures extra surah transparent depart mina early worship of an alcohol drinker hijri calender sadaqa and destiny neccesity of Islamic unity follow makkah for iftar Pickthall breast-feeding ruling on tarawih muslims and racism musailama-ı kazzab rabial awwal importance of fasting ashura wage of the butcher stories in the quran satan kill prophets mikaa'eel object istihada or hayd girlfriend in Islam servitude niyyah for ramadan fasting malaika christian jamaah is it permissible for women to sing importance of hajj fasting 10th of muharram why to seek knowledge intermediate state ayahs about parents conveyance Ishaq sadaqa in ramadan sperm splitting the moon God watches us angels in the ayahs disobey dress hadith kafir H.Leider fasting in old ages solutions for waswasa abort changeable destiny model person graveyard qurbani shortest period of itikaf tawba nasooh hijra cover dream learn about hijra ka'ba coherence types of nationalism nafila responsibilites of parents fasting in shawwal belief in destiny expiation of masturbation while fasting breaking fast wive's property in Islam sunnahs of eid hadith about hajj Prens Bismarck ties of kinship celebration heart ısra the day of judgement iman age of puberty shaban arsh ornament the day before eid pregnanct najis theory of evolution laylatu'l qadr night of celebration stolen goods dark

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