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Could We Perform Salah in a Room Which has a Picture?

Can salah be performed in a room wherein there is a picture or a photo? 10.27.2010 23:54


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travel depart mina early ummah our beloved prophet did his chores by himself evidences of hajj being obligatory ıslam-women voice the importance of muharram rights of parents to break fast intentionally punishment maltreatment to parents price of a kiss i'jaz the day of judgment prophetess great sins dua and destiny decree praying in the graveyard salutation during khutba puberty festival muhammad(pbuh) bidah prayers not accepted for 40 days hadith about 5 daily prayers ruling on tarawih four caliphs conditions of quitting ramadan fast is shafaah right jannah wine religious festival dhikr muharram spirit reading kuran in ramadan bath on friday sufficiency duty being in an environment where there is backbiting mikael one qurbani for the household good morals ıshmael penalty of breaking ramadan fast intentionally barysphere level of existence greeting women conveyance devil sajdah sahw tarawih in different madhabs faith shawwal or qada zakat for committed money prophets calender spouse love of allah waswas ottoman adolesence graveyard liwa-ul hamd existence of allah meccan chapters knowledge 61 days prayer with trousers Mr. John Davenport nationalism month of ummah fard-i kifaya royal we bani israel magician in islam dua for guidance similarity between jinn and human the day before eid iman-i tahqiqi eid salah pillars of fast providing the Muslim unity wildan ask the deceased for intercession entity stinginess what breaks itikaf jinns shukr prayer of an alcohol drinker universe history of hijra sacrifice and ıslam fishkeeping maliki hadiths on sending blessings ejaculation due to look during fast itiqaf Shuaib otoman state do iftar according to makkah

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