Articles tagged as " ill person's fasting "

Totally 1 articles have been tagged as " ill person's fasting "

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Who is exempt from fasting?

Which people are exempted from fasting in Ramadan? What are the conditions to be exempted from fasting in Ramadan? What are the valid excuses for abandoning fast of Ramadan? 8.1.2012 01:06


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osman al hiri being in an environment where there is backbiting creator qadar in hadiths muslim countries backbiting open wound responsible muslim ottoman dua for waswasa islamic greeting past eternity one qurbani sufficient for the fmily mushrikeen modesty Islam's view on women qunut duas dressing code qadar in ayahs rahmah envy virtue of fasting muharram suicide importance of fasting muharram feel in the presence of Allah medication on open wound during fast apparent nothingness proof of shafaah ask for forgiveness wine provider sincerity in dua remembrance kursy crescent makrooh joking in Islam merciful zakat of debtor tawaf creed world baraat arabian peninsula lie relatives consept of allah mizan supreme silence during khutba Quran recitation prostration of thankfulness straightening the rows rhetoric mistake feeding poor magician in islam eating the food of nonmuslims ariyat cleaning najasa before salah angels in the ayahs jannah wine polygamy reading Surah al Kahf on friday elder muhammad's attitute to his wifes bath on friday makruhs in toilet returning the rights before hajj misfortune in safar commander carriers covering gift worship on baraat tarawih in different madhabs nafilah losing sexual desires tawheed wajib long-term debt and zakat abrogation prayers of one who drinks alcohol get up for sahur umrah lust perform prayer in unison with congregation islam elderly parents literature | mercy of allah waiting period belief ihram lie as a joke shia Allah watches us essentials of tawbah food multiplication miracle congregational prayer choice

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