Articles tagged as " illness during fast "

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Can I quit my Ramadan fast because of my illness?

I was wondering if i could get help. I have recently moved from my country to a cold country three months ago i have started to work now to i was fasting for one week ad i had to go to the hospital with pains in my chest the doctor have told me i have to stop fasting as it is 20 hours of fasting where i am now and i just can not manage to eat enough water and everything into my body in four hours. Can i make my fasting up latter or what can i do? 7.31.2012 00:52

Who is exempt from fasting?

Which people are exempted from fasting in Ramadan? What are the conditions to be exempted from fasting in Ramadan? What are the valid excuses for abandoning fast of Ramadan? 8.1.2012 01:06


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