Articles tagged as " incest "

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Is Abortion Permissible?

If it could be detrimental for a woman’s health condition to have a baby, would it be a sin for her to have an abortion if she got pregnant? Also what about in the case of rape or incest? Is it ever acceptable to have an abortion? 2.5.2011 04:21


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najran qamah new year's eve silence during khutba relations with people of book abraham fasting during journey imagination aquarium postnatal bleeding humans sufism religious festival days when it is forbidden to fast education ejaculation due to look during fast sajdah sahw future chastening of nafs dar-us salaam sending greetings on prophet bible female inheritance in Islam right side of row nisab obey parents giving blood srebrenica genocide basics of Islam worship of sacrifice women in Torah divine knowledge semen during fast God watches us tawafuq musailama-ı kazzab dish spotting caused by IUD adornment mahram children of paradise symbol the dead responsible lie ghusl age in jannah colour of fire isa returning rights to the owners deed hajj is fard whisper of satan muhammad in bible torture samud fıqh disobey parents in haram creation ramda perform prayer in unison with congregation deduct debt from zakat amount engagement complete the first rows hasad karbala friday of ramadan wive's property in Islam convey reward to deceased qıyamah existence of allah masturbation greeting women prayer of thanks shafi shaban month prophets’ supplications qurban Pickthall kursy hadiths and ayahs proving hajj child hadith about hajj reading Surah al Kahf on friday tawaff-e ziyarat reference to muhammad in bible pious depart mina early wujud hadith about repentance trait doomed botox angel of death ıslam the last day of dhulhijja adn to break ramadan fast a few times ablution while fasting mina

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