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What Are The “Hijri Months”?

Which month does the Hijri calendar start with? 12.7.2010 23:35


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religious festival pharaoh father wish for death kursy age of fard prayer the day before eid marriage forbiddance language of the holy books order of kaffarah lawh-i mahfuz types of sunnah conscious age of mukallaf weight of soul ruling on tarawih things validate fast mina ayahs about parents disbelief fasting in shawwal rabial akhir a hundred stingy free-will virtues of jumuah moral equal zakat to a non muslim unintentionally angels have no gender torture period of itikaf God watches us gift breast-feeding Islamic world attributes husband reason Pickthall prayers of previous ummahs shuhuru thalatha sacrficie hadith about magic conditions for an accepted tawbah muslimwomen perform prayer in unison with congregation levels of jannah zakat for committed money fall in love in ıslam evidences of reincarnation marriage in shaban modesty fasting under compulsion dua is essence of worship where to place hands in salah misfortune in safar women in Judaism bad omen in safar osman al hiri invention expiation of ramadan fast individual duty hira allah(swt) calamity who can receive zakat dejavu informing future combination of salahs black houri christians semen during fast generosity surah after fatiha islam keeping dogs ramadan karem tahlil supreme solutions to control sexual desires punishment of backbiting Khaybar pillars of sawm according to four madhabs past eternal love of allah month of rajab creature 15th of rajab forbidden women for marriage defeatist the wisdom of sins inspiration dar-ul khuld Shuaib mercy of allah night prayer partner using perfume on friday

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