Articles tagged as " lawh-i mahfuz "

Totally 2 articles have been tagged as " lawh-i mahfuz "

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Is Man’s Coming to the Earth Determined by His Parents?

Is there an influence of the parents of people come into the world? Namely, can it be hindered or delayed by some ways? 12.1.2010 18:49

Does Man Determine His Destiny (Qadar) On His Own?

It is said that man predetermines his own destiny, is it true? 12.5.2009 14:16


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realm zakaah al fitr mina seek knowledge fard al-ayn non-changeable destiny fair delay power gabriel 21.verse of Surah al Najm responsible muslim afterlife latin father gibril staff turning into sword halal zakat for reserved gold hikmah zabur bleeding caused by IUD recitation ansar nafila one udhiyya suffices for the household congregational prayer duties of parents ring ether belief in reancarnation rows of a congregational prayer shawwal or qada sexual gratification marital relations befriending nonmuslims abandoning a muslim for three days society month of ummah faith of an infidel bird crack of dawn importance of ashura fard al-kifaya importance of unity religion dress with image miracle ejaculation during fast vaginal discharge minor sin feast days sawm family fasting during journey Jesus will come back pray for the guidance of disbeliever join prayers ihtilam prophet muhammad dress hadith why believe in destiny dhimmi marifatullah Johon Jacobreisi 6666 returning the rights before hajj aquarium makruhs in toilet najis brilliance(lightness) applying cream and salah sexual intercource zakat on fixed deposit shawwal cream during fasting jinn dua for birth pain shortest period of itikaf give name breaking the fast kursy combine prayers close eyes during salah Islamic ruling on alcohol lunar calendar sexual intercourse prophet muhammed (pbuh) bad manners dissemination adornment belief in destiny fast during hardship placing foot samud greece testifying why to learn islam to receive salam amount of nisab

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