2.26.2011 22:33
If it could be detrimental for a woman’s health condition to have a baby, would it be a sin for her to have an abortion if she got pregnant? Also what about in the case of rape or incest? Is it ever acceptable to have an abortion?
2.5.2011 04:21
What is religion? Why does man need religion?
2.1.2011 02:44
It is said that Alalh has made everything He has created good. Then, what kind of a beauty is there in dearth which hurts hearts with the sorrow of separation?
11.26.2010 00:20
What is soul? Is soul the same as life? What's soul like?
10.15.2010 22:31
While the soul is in the
body, the body is alive, when it leaves the body it dies. Since the soul leaves
the body during the sleep, does man have two souls?
6.20.2010 16:22