Articles tagged as " magnificence "

Totally 2 articles have been tagged as " magnificence "

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Allah Is Not Dependent on His Angels

Though Allah is Omnipotent, why He gets angels to do the works in the universe? 1.11.2011 23:43

Does Allah Need Angels?

Even though Allah is the Omnipotent, why does He create the angels for the works in the universe? 10.12.2009 15:03


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arafa day disbelief seven science and sleeping sunnah shaban month sleeping sunnah Edward Gibbon purpose zamm-i surah cutting hair during menstruation ukhuwwah in Islam lailatul qadr ejaculation due to look during fast neccesity of Islamic unity following the prophet night of celebration wife permission for polygamy sajdah importance of Muslim unity social aspects of hajj reckoning lawh al mahfuz compulsory prayers tawhid how miraj happened tarawih is sunnah alqamah best time for wedding is human creator of actions coherence darkness fard al-kifaya son order istihada or hayd price of a kiss lost goods worship in itikaf four great angels revealed book najis ısa hamala-i mumtasil make up during fast hussain nuh abortion what is hajj disobey parents in haram bird evidence of allah marriage in shaban does destiny change tawbah natural creation makruh brilliance(lightness) ruling of silat ur rahim in islam mizan stop talking for three days devil ajb al-zanab shirk prostration for forgetfulness sahaba fasting ego food multiplication prophet muhammad(pbuh) wearing trousers impact of name tahqiqi iman testifying ibadah door laylat al qadr procreation substantial shukr prayer calamity pages abrogation water zakat of debtor tashrik takbir salutation during khutba benefits of hajj where to place hands in salah professors muslim woman voice purpose of mankind prostration of thankfulness sirat evidences of hajj being obligatory muslim working in pub colour of fire ı am ı evilcommanding soul magic in ıslam goodness

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