Articles tagged as " man "

Totally 2 articles have been tagged as " man "

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What is soul?

What is soul? Is soul the same as life? What's soul like? 10.15.2010 22:31

Why Was Adam Expelled from Jannah (Paradise)?

What is the reason for Adam (as) to be expelled from Jannah (paradise)? 10.19.2010 15:44


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anger greeting men dua and fate effects of envy private parts ariyat reward for fasting ashura naeem month greek offer iftar pregnanct interregnum dwellers of grave hijri new year jamaah presence of god tarwiya adults playing dolls end of the world benefits of belief in qadar deny fasting information inheritence madhmadha while fasting tayammum universe divine determining join prayers samad delaying zakat missed compulsory fast compound responsible fasting three days before ramadan Yasir Islamic unity qur'an immortal days when it is forbidden to fast asma al’husna eating the food of nonmuslims listening to adhan servant dhimmi muharramat marriage with nonmuslims ayah about five daily prayers jacop pillars of sawm mawlid coincidence liwa-ul hamd worship on baraat macedonia is human creator of actions calamity zakat and solidarity who to give zakat al fitr polygamy madhab to endure the difficulties of long fasting dressing code muharram leaving the masjid during itikaf women imitating men christian cleaning najasa before salah breast-feeding warner six days fasting unlimited keeping dogs muslim countries disobedience to parents qurban innovation bida learn about hijra hour to break ramadan fast a few times heaven zabur salat al tarawih zakat to non muslims wage of the butcher salah is the pillar of islam najran christians ayah of muharramat why believe in destiny food multiplication ruling on keeping Quran in the bedroom hadith about name open wound the difference of sunnah lying in jest family wildan equal hadith of gabriel

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