Articles tagged as " martyrdom "

Totally 2 articles have been tagged as " martyrdom "

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Why does Allah (swt) not Prevent the Disasters and the Catastrophes But Allows Them?

How does Allah allow the afflictions if He is so merciful? why doesn't He prevent them? 2.25.2012 12:40

Mercy and Wisdoms Behind the Disasters and the Calamities

Why does Allah(swt) not prevent the disasters and the catastrophes but allows them? 3.13.2011 00:21


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hair snow rain while fasting fatiha worshipping others than allah trait morning of celebration dua for guidance ghusl on jumuah quds worship in itikaf sexual intercourse trouble fasahat ask the deceased for help good morals fil dua is essence of worship last ten days of ramadan delay breaking the fast mistake israafeel ascension guide physical body of god meat of the qurban marital relations sunni jamada al akhir eight does destiny change brotherhood ka'ba Goethe evidence non-existence prayers not accepted for 40 days greeting otoman state ramadan karem human model jealousy evidences of reincarnation vaccination during fast defending the person they are backbiting about generous eating dates fast during hardship zakat al fitr to children jesus mentioned muhammad gift night journey reaction to backbiting quitting ramadan fasting arkan al islam popular Muslim names coincidence ask the deceased for intercession shortening the salah purpose of dress menstruation teacher lunar calendar smokeless fire significance of ramadan give alms new year's eve tawhid oneness ruling on tarawih see allah nafilah existence waswasa after salah lie magic in ıslam knowledge hadith abraham children of paradise pray Prens Bismarck past eternal school of thought hisab amala-i mumassil prophets dwellers of grave fasting in shawwal cream with alcohol trumpet rows of a congregational prayer door right side of row human world ruling on listening to Quran compensation testamentary muslim countries reasons of backbiting safari inheritence

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