Articles tagged as " Maryam in Quran "

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What is the status of Jesus in Islam?

What is the status of Jesus in Islam? Do Muslims accept his prophethood? 12.31.2012 17:02


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Islamic world zakat of plot to know the prophet and companions praise jealousy prophethood makruhs in toilet Ibrahim welcoming ramadan life breaking the fast medicine during fast thawab of tarawih sharani shukr medina hasad abandoning a muslim for three days fasting six days of shawwal levels of jannah nonmuslim neighboor youngster fasting in shawwal hadrat obesity date ibsadah marital activity invalidating fast covering twahab for umra in ramadan chronic bleeding or menses partner purpose of dress tattoo tadhiyya khorasan prayers of one who drinks alcohol predestination otoman state prayer of an alcohol drinker meaning of reancarnation feeding poor who to give zakat al fitr things validate fast why believe in destiny order reflection ascension Dr. Maurice 6666 dream bosnian war eidul adha transplantation incest qur’an kaffarah for a few times men women equality angel and people reward for praying khidr to break ramadan fast a few times laylatul baraat miraj doomed agent angels miswak while fasting misfortune in safar lailat al baraat deed god significance of salah bleeding caused by IUD using perfume on friday ramadan-ul mubarak invention contemplation impotence worship of an alcohol drinker natural selection mizan keeping dogs ikhtiyari qadar sinner qiyamah dressing code engagement in Islam hamala-i mumtasil anger women in Christianity jannah wine angels mentioned in Quran polytheism Muslim world importance of praying at dawn mushrikeen praying in the graveyard justice and reancarnation dua for birth pain prophet

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