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What do “archangels” mean?

Which angels are the "archangels" and what are their duties? 1.26.2010 20:00


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period archangels ramadan-al-mubarak zakat for trading goods woman clothing importance of sending blessings sending blessings on prophet to pray wearing a dress with images eternal hajj is fard element miswak while fasting level of existence advise hadiths about the date of miraj salutation during khutba praying asr on time punishment maltreatment to parents truth of tawhid responsility ghusl on jumuah end of the world to break ramadan fast a few times returning the rights before hajj straightening the rows cleaning relation during engagement quality sleep eavesdrop eat halal combine prayers muawiya feet jibreel disrespect to parents haircut awliya eve of eid people of salvation appoint man nafila fast zakat to Islamic organizations where is god gift dead home zakat to non-muslims sunnah waswasa after salah shirk in love nifas and hayd during fast muharramat engagement in Islam sajdah sahw orbit Dr. Maurice Bucaille pharaoh sperm zakat to non muslims ukhuwwah in Islam time zone royal we belief in reancarnation shaitan moral umrah sermon srebrenica genocide people of fatrat kalaam confidant with nonmuslims morals fasting during long days takbir divine religions rab miracles about trees why facing the kaba madhabs miracles of Jesus ghilman charity zamm-i surah ghusl while fasting prayers not accepted for 40 days prophet muhammed (pbuh) naeem keeping Quran in the bedroom magic doubt hampers faith model baraat hell tips to quit smoking shortening the salah our beloved prophet did his chores by himself dua naseehah

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