Articles tagged as " misgiving "

Totally 10 articles have been tagged as " misgiving "

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Waswasa After Salah and Solutions

After performing Fard namaz, I smell something foul around me for about a minute or two. It's not a coincidence since I have often observed this. It happens to me only after fard, not nafila nor sunnah and only when I’m alone in the room. Why is this happening to me? Does anyone else face such things? 11.2.2011 19:20

Do the Inappropriate Questions Coming to Mind About Allah Harm Faith?

Sometimes inappropriate questions come to mind unwillingly. Do these thoughts harm faith? 2.4.2011 07:45

Despair: The Harshest Weapon of Shaytan

Despair and arrogance are two traps of shaytan to hinder man from tawba and dua 10.26.2010 00:29

Importance of Tawba

Could you give some information about the importance of tawba? 10.25.2010 23:29

Is Sin an Obstacle to Dua?

Are the prayers of sinners acceptable? 12.10.2010 00:34

Is It Permissible to Urinate in the Place You Have a Shower?

Is It Permissible to Urinate in the Place You Have a Shower?  9.17.2010 01:11

Do the Unintentional Wicked Thoughts Coming Our Minds While Performing Salah Damage Our Worship?

While performing salah unintentional and bad thoughts are coming to our minds. Do these thoughts damage our salah or not? 12.16.2009 16:08

What Does Waswasa Mean?

Can you explain the literal meaning of waswasa? 10.17.2010 10:51

What Is the Difference Between Jinn and Devil?

Could you please explain the difference between the concepts of Angel, Jinn and Devil? 11.12.2009 20:32

Do the Unintentional Wicked Thoughts Coming Our Minds While Performing Salah Damage Our Worship?

While performing salah unintentionally wicked and bad thoughts are coming to our minds. Do these thoughts damage our salah or not? 9.3.2009 23:44


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