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What is Religion?

What is religion? Why does man need religion? 2.1.2011 02:44


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unlimited mina flirt during engagement give alms qaroon couples in the hereafter alcoholic drinks hashr apparent nothingness hamd solutions to control sexual desires right side of row niyyah for ramadan fasting light reward for fasting ashura reckoning wildan status of Jesus in Islam coincidence importance of ramadan evidences of god son of god kaffara Isa will come back meaning of sacrifice liwa al hamd fard al-ayn oneness social benefits of hajj umrah shirk in love ashura zakah modern science beautification whoever misses the asr prayer disobey parents in haram qiyamah blessing conditions breaking fast glorification events in hijra relationship through phone heaven hadiths and ayahs proving hajj holy day bulgaria creed valid excuses for abandoning fast spotting caused by IUD hypocrisy prostration for forgetfulness laylat al baraat magic in ıslam zoology istighfar feast of sacrifice zakat for reserved gold reading Surah al Kahf on friday fard parts of salah poor fasting in old ages theory of evolution long-term debt and zakat dua and fate time beam nafilah prerequisites of prayer rebellion month of shaban qadar H.Leider zamm-i surah islamic perpective on lying order teenage and parents lust confusing surahs benefits of fasting feel Allah all the time reason of miraj last ten days of ramadan education jannah wine yusuf prophets intervening stage true prophet awrah jama taqdeem birth food multiplication miracle importance of istighfar faith of an infidel plight of widows in Islam night of ragaib diviner zakat for deposit extra surah

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