Articles tagged as " najis "

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Can I pray If I have mani in my trousers?

Can a person pray if he has sperm in his jeans? 12.28.2011 13:25


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worship of sacrifice sajdah ahadith good deeds pilgrimage keeping Quran in the bedroom lipstick during fast angel and people disobedience against parents children of paradise jinn hormonal disorder worship cave of hira befriending nonmuslims things that break fast meaning of salam zakat in islamic civilization marriage with nonmuslims muslims and racism human being toilet creation of universe period of iddah fall in love dua and fate jama taqdeem pure heart absolute nothingness faith of an infidel deduct debt from zakat amount news in bible for muhammad covering duties of parents what is sexual intercourse hurry for hajj predetermination greeting women individual duty whisper of satan love fundamental beliefs in Islam zakat of debtor dua for guidance nafila fast rhetoric sirat bridge cure for masturbation doubt hampers faith dhalla natural creation reaction to backbiting women's covering veil worship of an alcohol drinker status of Jesus in Islam dogs society surah after fatiha wedding ceremony dwellers of grave provision ask for forgiveness of people before hajj friday of ramadan Quran and thinkers 10 muharram zakat for savings movement wajib hunger latin science in islam age of salah forbidden penalty of breaking ramadan fast intentionally postnatal bleeding reancarnation abandoning sin laylat-ul qadr fasting during long days jizya what invalidates itikaf importance of praying at night junub sacrifice fast of ramadan jamaah tadhiyya funeral shahadah diviner dress during salah lawh al mahw wa ithbat dua neccesity of Islamic unity fasting and health zakat for land paraclete eat halal shortest period of itikaf

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