Articles tagged as " nawafile fast "

Totally 1 articles have been tagged as " nawafile fast "

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When Should We Start Fasting for Ramadan?

When should I start to fast before Ramadan? Can I welcome Ramadan by fasting three days before? 8.7.2011 14:09


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ıslamic-law 165 verse of Baqara sunnahs of jummah nawafile fast ignorant jesus addiction fasting of a pregnant woman punishment maltreatment to parents natural creation miser hasad six days fasting greeting women types of angels jamada al akhir graveyard form of Allah innovation see interregnum adn zakat to friend prophet muhammad(pbuh) people of salvation pray invention does destiny change wudu while fasting jewellery kinship polygamy muslim woman voice wine abu bakr transplantation mukallaf inheritance fortune telling rabial akhir addictive allah marrying in the jannah hormonal disorder takbir kursy belief in reancarnation penalty of breaking ramadan fast intentionally miswak while fasting salvation cutting hair during menstruation zakat to other countries abandoning sin fasting girl sexual intercourse having children istinshaq while fasting food multiplication cure for masturbation hair wage of the butcher belief jama takheer iftar uthman stoning of the devil oblige angels have no gender devil tafseer of Surah al Najm beautification azraeel nabiyah planet Quran and western thinkers hadiths about worshipping on lailat al miraj cleaning free will mercy of allah jihad in Islam bonds between Muslims la ilaha illallah witr prayer one qurbani sufficient for the fmily patient ruku Prophet changed bad names malak glorify shape suicide abandoning a muslim for three days tawba nasooh laylat ul qadr lost goods God watches us using perfume on friday impact of name injection during fast fasting 10th of muharram rape

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