Articles tagged as " obligatory "

Totally 2 articles have been tagged as " obligatory "

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What Does Fard Mean?

What is fard? 8.18.2010 03:30

What is Salah (Prayer)?

What does "salah" mean? 4.7.2010 22:45


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yusuf ruling Allah watches us does bath break fast five pillars of islam magnificence divine religions importance of istighfar isra how to spend the ramadan in the best way exploration beautification visiting graveyard how to overcome masturbation importance of straightening the rows advise life boy girl relationship on phone levels when to make niyyah for fast hadith about name disbeliever silver ring yunus zayd revolution hebrew sending greetings on prophet sunnahs of friday sacrficie side-effect losing sexual desires lying to amuse people nafilah wali hadrat ali plugging eyebrows invention breaking fast women in Torah four wives zakat for deposit kaffarah for a few times intelligence hunger to delay zakat ısa ruling on keeping Quran in the bedroom zakat of plot Rodwell sacrifice reading kuran in ramadan men women equality cutting nails during menstruation sufism intervening stage salah on a chair seek knowledge get up for sahur brother image hands above the navel in salah polygamy haj door questioning angels prayer of an alcohol drinker Maryam in Quran shia maun osman al hiri awliya ummah the difference of sunnah school of law women in Bible wearing trousers seek laylat al qadr miracles of Jesus srebrenica massacre morals materialism wise darkness stop talking for three days ısrafel to know the prophet and companions dwellers of grave belief in destiny smoking after death period of itikaf ghusl while fasting fitr tawhid harmony people of salvation God knows everything duties of the prophets realm of grave

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