Articles tagged as " popular Muslim names "

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Does a new Muslim have to change his/her name?

How important is it for a convert to change his name? 7.30.2012 01:55


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believe in unseen muhammad in bible testamentary the preserved tablet voice divine religions rhetorical existence of god pray ramadan rain prayer joking in Islam month of ramadan bonds between Muslims god and nafs adults playing dolls white lies reading kuran in ramadan qaroon sexual problem Allah watches us guide zakat for loan shaban abandoning a muslim for three days seek knowledge penalty of breaking ramadan fast intentionally disbeliever iman-i tahqiqi whoever misses the asr prayer lie feet salvation solutions to control sexual desires four great angels non-believer dua and fate toilet manners wudu while fasting agent angels testifying inspiration hurry for hajj kill commit sin adolesence inheritance throne of allah punishment intoxicant tahqiqi iman people of salvation meaning of reancarnation lunar calendar dua is essence of worship picture afterlife deduct debt from zakat amount expiation of masturbation while fasting jannah people of book cutting hair during menstruation hajj in ayahs and hadiths days when it is forbidden to fast kaffara nationalism deeds praying in the graveyard obedience invitation of a nonmuslim islamic jurisprudence adn hadiths about salawat meaning of tawheed truthfulness benefits of belief in qadar ayat al kursi celebrating the new year sleep haircut convey reward to deceased fasting shaban pray for the guidance of disbeliever reasons of backbiting get blood drawn during fast haj qasas-ul anbiya 61 days worship of sacrifice intelligence iddah you are you the day of judgment compensation wise best way to spend Ramadan guilty planet ashura meat of the qurban

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