Articles tagged as " pray "

Totally 5 articles have been tagged as " pray "

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What Can We Do in Order to Guard Against Evil?

Which prays should we recite to guard against evil? 4.4.2011 23:49

Despair: The Harshest Weapon of Shaytan

Despair and arrogance are two traps of shaytan to hinder man from tawba and dua 10.26.2010 00:29

Importance of Tawba

Could you give some information about the importance of tawba? 10.25.2010 23:29

Is Sin an Obstacle to Dua?

Are the prayers of sinners acceptable? 12.10.2010 00:34

Does Allah Answer Prayer?

Why does Allah not accept all my prayers? Which prayers are certainly accepted? How should our prayers be? 10.16.2010 10:31


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