Articles tagged as " prophet muhammad(pbuh) "

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The Most Generous Human Being: Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

Narrated by Anas: "The Prophet was the best, the bravest and the most generous of all the people." (Bukhari, Book 4, Hadith 74 ) 6.10.2010 08:24


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rab virtue of shaban the month of safar listening to adhan eid prayer universe disbelief nahr friday of ramadan iblis throw pebbles noah's flood worship of an alcohol drinker zakat to a non muslim unintentionally christmas martyrdom why facing the kaba delay breaking the fast faith of an infidel mothers in Islam last ten days of ramadan the day of judgement follow makkah for iftar black dress cleaning najasa before salah reward of tarawih ramadan hilal medicine the best ramadan zakat of debtor to know the prophet and companions nativity play kinship women in Islam umm-ul kitaab joking in Islam hadiths on sending blessings hadith about name safari dhikr necessary date unintentional mistakes fatimi sadaqa and fate food multiplication allah impact of name on man night of celebration private parts worship in itikaf form of Allah mandub lying to amuse people parents of muhammad overcome jealousy lawh-i mahfuz blessing types of iman hadith about 5 daily prayers desires in jannah alignment of the heels to straighten the row creation of time seeing allah rebellion natural creation israfel ajal dua mystery women one udhiyya for family hadith about repentance jihad pillar virtues of friday paraklytos muslim working in pub nawafile fast 21.verse of Surah al Najm denier cleaning teeth while fasting surah sending blessings on prophet zakat al fitr ramadan-ul mubarak creature noor salat al tarawih celebration calamity feeding poor Loqman nonmuslim men risalei nur value of ramadan time importance of istighfar praying asr on time crucifiction

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