Articles tagged as " rape "

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Is Abortion Permissible?

If it could be detrimental for a woman’s health condition to have a baby, would it be a sin for her to have an abortion if she got pregnant? Also what about in the case of rape or incest? Is it ever acceptable to have an abortion? 2.5.2011 04:21


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women in Judaism asma al-husna why facing the kaba prophet jesus (pbuh) history to know the prophet and companions drinking fasahat blessing women imitating men cruelty dhulhijjah ghusl while fasting fetus prostration of thankfulness qur'an death is a part of life period night journey kabbalah breaking fast agent angels physical body of god kursy food multiplication make up during fast value of ramadan destiny tawba nasooh not talking for three days greece tawbatun nasuh vaginal discharge asr hadith ignorant future zakat to a non muslim unintentionally wife and mother godless sadaqa and destiny worship of an alcohol drinker science and islam contradiction one udhiyya for family human zakat for masjid building sufficiency duty wife permission for polygamy doubt our beloved prophet did his chores by himself jealousy feast of sacrifice sajdah sahw disbeliever devil science in islam analogy tayammum thanks pilgrimage chapter muhammad two consecutive months rasul listening to adhan zayd tajvid social obesity abortion crescent symbol do iftar according to makkah supplication miscarriage ayahs about lying when to make niyyah for fast family ties conditions breaking fast disbelief istihada or hayd tawaf female witness in Islam planet natural selection relationship through phone qiyamah period-delaying month of ummah ejaculation due to look during fast advise decree dhulhijja jannah qiyam lailatul qadr lying for joking fragrance of jannah age in jannah worshipping others than allah open wound ısa

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