Articles tagged as " rebirth "

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The Reality of Reincarnation?

I light of the fact that the reincarnation case has been so thoroughly studied by scientists and people bent on proving it a fraud, with none of them able to come up with any theory to explain her reincarnation, how can I just blindly keep on believing that reincarnation is a myth? So many cases have been documented. Please provide me with an analytic reason as to why that case is a fraud... really I just want to get that thing out of my mind... but I can't 10.20.2011 16:33


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bosnia fasting during breastfeeding reward of sending blessings science depart mina early earth istighfar past eternity virtues of jummah break the fast stone the devil ali modern science willful misinterpretation spouse khadijah ramadan fast Islamic world morning of celebration tasbih halal vow elderly parents dream malaika-i muakkal jesus miswak while fasting hikmah educational methods of Muhammad khorasan status of Jesus in Islam forbidden cutting hair during menstruation prayer of thanks proof of intercession zakat for trading goods ejaculation during fast to pray for nonbeliever ill person's fasting islamic calendar women in Christianity asr hadith truthfulness madhab lie soothsayer wearing trousers madhmadha deed prayers of one who drinks alcohol muharram dress with image hussain medical aspect of fasting welcoming ramadan hijri new year night journey prayers of previous ummahs break promise alcoholic beverage medication on open wound during fast form of Allah reward for praying ahad umrah iblis guilty mind zakat in islamic civilization Dr. Maurice Bucaille male hairdresser fard-i kifaya a'ad paraklytos trimming eyebrows shukr hadiths about salawat trumpet shaban month sincerity in dua time of death glorification tawheed invitation of a nonmuslim prayers not accepted for 40 days zakat for reserved gold IUD abortion the difference of sunnah impact of name guest ramda alignment of the heels to straighten the rows Orientalist Sedio obligatory obey parents rules duties of parents supreme duurat-al vaizin

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