Articles tagged as " responsility "

Totally 1 articles have been tagged as " responsility "

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Can a Man Forbid His Wife Taking Education and Make Her Leave the School?

What should a woman do if her husband forbids her education? 6.4.2011 00:41


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tawba Isa will come back sexual desire fard al-kifaya botox zakat for land kaffara to love moral duurat-al vaizin muharram drink imperfect worship forgiveness haircut period-delaying pious Dr. City Youngest disobey parents in haram Eve in Islam ornament guide demon laws of nature snow rain while fasting prayers of previous ummahs people exempted from fasting literature salawat ramda miracle of quran age of fard prayer excellence black dress friday ejaculation due to thoughts during fast celebrating the new year marriage with nonmuslims hijrah missing the asr prayer shawwal wife kaffarah for ramadan fast illness dhulkarnayn balkan muslims Corselle Quran and western thinkers celebrate the eid intention for ramadan fasting generous abrogation jizya in islam closing eyes groups eligible for zakat sleep provision speed song free-will feel Allah all the time adults playing dolls medication on open wound during fast christians prayed in the masjid does shower break fast yazid why to seek knowledge stolen goods la ilaha illallah wakil zakat for the money on deposit commit a sin ı am ı visiting graveyard dhulhijjah signs of laylat al qadr miswak missed witr in maliki zakat-ul fitr addiction animal toys rebirth marital activity invalidating fast pillars of sawm meaning of sacrifice chronic bleeding or menses importance of ramadan leaving the masjid during itikaf pray for the guidance of disbeliever feast does bath break fast laylatu'l qadr makruhs in toilet social aspects of hajj sufism thawab delay breaking the fast psalms zakat al fitr Pickthall

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