"Whoso doeth good an atom's weight will see it then, And whoso doeth ill an atom's weight will see it then." (Surah al Zilzal; 7-8)
3.5.2011 00:15
How will the deeds be weighed on the Day of Judgement? What does the mizan look like?
3.6.2011 23:21
Could you explain the meanings of the terms relating to hereafter?
10.10.2010 14:26
What does "akhirah" mean? Could you give information about "the realm of akhirah"?
11.12.2010 19:51
What does "akhirah" mean? Could you give information about "the realm of akhirah" (hereafter)?
10.1.2010 05:26
If getting
married exists in the Jannah (paradise), does having baby also exist there?
3.10.2010 01:41
Who will resurrect the rotten and decomposed bones that returned to dust? And how will He do?
1.11.2010 00:13
Gabriel was entrusted with carrying the revelation to the prophets. So what does Gabriel do now, because there are no prophets anymore? Also, will the duty of angels, like Kiraman-Katibin (honourable recorders) that are related to the humans, be ended after the day of judgment (qıyamah)?
12.7.2009 15:29