Articles tagged as " revelation "

Totally 12 articles have been tagged as " revelation "

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What Does Nabi Mean?

What does "nabi" mean? 5.17.2011 23:46

Model Person, Model Society- 3

What is the source of sunnah? 12.14.2010 00:02

Can We Read the Qur'an in today's Latin alphabet instead of its Original Arabic Form?

Is it appropriate to read the Qur'an in Latin alphabet instead of the Arabic? 8.24.2010 16:56

Why Does Allah Use the Pronoun “We” Instead of “I” Referring to Himself in Some Verses?

If Allah is the only one God, why does He use the pronoun "we"instead of "I" referring to Himself in the Quran? 2.28.2010 23:52

Why Were the Quranic Verses Not Revealed at Once, But Revealed in Stages?

Why wasn't the Quran sent down at once as a complete book, but was sent down gradually over time? 2.14.2010 12:38

Why was the Quran revealed gradually?

Why wasn't Quran revealed at once, but revealed by stages? 2.14.2010 12:14

What Is the “Qur’an”?

What is the Qur'an and what is the definition of it? 8.26.2009 15:18

Has Quran Been Distorted?

Is not it possible that Quran has been distorted like the other revealed books? 8.12.2009 23:04

What is the Difference Between Nabi and Rasul?

Is there any distinction between Nabi and Rasul? If so, what is it? 7.23.2010 19:10

What Does "Malak" Mean?

What does the expression "Malak" mean? 5.26.2010 17:09

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