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How Many Words are There in the Qur'an?

How many words are there in the Holy Quran? 11.21.2010 20:08


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ikhtiyari qadar prostration for forgetfulness why facing the kaba things invalidating fast lying for joking merits of shaban to keep chastity intercession miswak jama taqdeem pagan worldly benefits of belief tarwiha compulsory to seek knowledge breastfeeding dolls in islam overcome jealousy ghilman valid excuses for abandoning fast reviving parents last ten days of ramadan seek laylat al qadr hisab ibadah repentance tawheed sujud hunger ablution while fasting magic eternal love sin fortune plot mischief nafs fortune telling laylat-ul qadr realm of grave test apparent nothingness zakat for the committed saving lying to make people laugh wife Jochahim Durulph the day of judgment qasas-ul anbiya acceptance of imperfect worship creator jew ayah and hadith about shafaah ıslamic-law greeting women wet dream bath on friday break promise pillar jund-u subhani marital relations wet dream during fast medical aspect of fasting reading Surah al Kahf on friday placing foot firdaws magic in ıslam eternity virtues of jumuah days when it is forbidden to fast shukr prayer imperfect worship tasbih how to make tawba nasuh materialism creed giving blood lunar calendar perform prayer in unison with congregation creature alcoholic beverage recite quran at grave silaturrahim love mother keeping Quran in the bedroom shawwal omnipotent doomed unlimited age in jannah ummah where is Allah doubt hampers faith disbelief tawaff-e ziyarat muhammad in bible permanent tattoo zakat and solidarity abandoning haram ikhlas arkan al islam how long to stay in itikaf hayd

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