Articles tagged as " sadaqah al fitr "

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Is it wajib (obligatory) for a person who is not able to fast in Ramadan to give zakat al fitr?

Is it wajib (obligatory) to give sadaqah-al fitr for the people who are not able to fast because of some excuses in Ramadan? 8.11.2011 05:19


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hair shirk dissemination duties of the prophets waswas miswak while fasting soul family ties halal accomplish greek one udhiyya for family baby devils nativity play zakat for deposit evidences of god illness during ramadan fast ayat al kursi qamari calendar god and nafs doubts in faith adolesence get blood drawn during fast bathroom non-existence akhirah dead can hear shape ızdirari qadar umar things validate fast reward for fasting ashura eid prayer events in hijra inspiration stoning of the devil hadiths about salawat non-changeable destiny tayammum importance of praying at night fasting under compulsion nonmuslim men results of hijra reflect upon free-will father zakat to foundations furqaan prooves of quran compound compulsory to seek knowledge chastening of nafs significance of fasting keep promise the month of prophet ramadan karem toys in islam musailama-ı kazzab muslim scientists one qurbani sufficient for the fmily arafa day islamic jurisprudence types of backbiting pillars of faith obeying the orders of allah ramadan hilal osman al hiri ruling on keeping Quran in the bedroom (pbuh) makruhs in toilet language fard parts of salah rain prayer oneness of allah transparent naeem asma al-husna jund-u subhani realm of souls gain thawab eloquence nafs prophet muhammed (pbuh) Islamic belief in prophets miraj fasting in the moth of shawwal scale hijri calendar entity angels mentioned in Quran message of ashura salvation follow makkah for iftar umrah uninformed people sur long-term debt and zakat how to make tawbah ınjil

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