Articles tagged as " safari "

Totally 1 articles have been tagged as " safari "

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How Does a Safari (Traveller) Perform His/Her Prayers?

How Does a Safari (Traveller) Perform His/her fard Prayers? How Does a Safari (Traveller) Perform His/her Prayers? 6.4.2011 00:49


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things validate fast ramda duties of parents coincidence ısra marrying in the jannah fatiha nabi sacrifice worship modern science tartil ego why believe in destiny istihada or hayd ramad hisab Ishaq deduct debt from zakat amount cutting nails during menstruation reason of miraj dolls cleaning cream before salah covenant food multiplication miracle martyr sahaba without performing salat importance of praying at night zakat and debt prayer of an alcohol drinker husayn information ayah about five daily prayers educational methods of Muhammad hadith about magic astronomy guest dark ukhuwwah in Islam asma al’husna zakat for trading goods ihsan throne of allah man importance of hajj doubt predestination Pickthall dead can hear meaning of tawheed harmony suffering itikaf marriage with nonmuslims stories in the quran eid dhulqada Jesus will come back bad deeds iman-i tahqiqi men imitating women confidant with nonmuslims liwa al hamd sur verse to know the prophet and companions jizya silaturrahim pillars of sawm according to four madhabs divine knowledge spotting caused by IUD chastening of nafs balaghat pleasure and entertainment shuhuru thalatha fard ibadah animal treatment in ıslam lailat al baraat thanks one udhiyya for family repetition of improper ibadah uninformed people akhlaq where to place hands in salah child miracles of Jesus days when it is forbidden to fast zakat al fitr to children month of ummah break the fast patience sajdah make up witr prayer animal toys abandoning haram virtues of jumuah reach ruku solutions for waswas virtue of tarawih fatimi arsh

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